Wanna be a better mom? Be selfish...
Fill your own cup first…
Being a mom isn’t easy, but we wouldn’t give it away.. The „how to be a good mom” tips are coming from everywhere so you can get easily overwhelmed by the amount of information. But one thing is certain, if you love your family, yourself, your life..you can’t make it wrong. Your children will grow up in this atmosphere and this will dominate their lives.
According to a famous Hungarian psychologist Tamas Vekerdy – a happy baby can be raised only by a happy mom. I couldn’t agree more.
So.. what’s making You happy? Do you prioritize them?
Do you think, that giving your children everything – including love, care and time- is the answer to make them truly happy? It’s missing you, your needs. If you try it too hard, so hard that you get exhausted and overwhelmed, then no.. it isn’t the right way.
I remember that my mom never really stopped for a moment, there was always something on her to-do list. She just couldn’t afford to focus on herself because there were so many things to take care of. She has been always a good mom, but still you see.. This is what I remember. I remember that at home – being selfish- meant something horrible, that you gain advantage for the disadvantage of someone else. But this isn’t true. The healthy selfishness means that you prioritize yourself time to time, you fill back your own tanks so you can give back. That’s all.
If you aren’t happy or balanced, then even if you give time to your children it won’t work out. Because you create an impossible situation where you can’t live long. You would just burn out. It maybe sounds crazy, but it’s more frequent than you would think – that a mom’s burning out.
The only way is prevention – prevent that you get too tired and overwhelmed by taking the time for Yourself and prioritize your way of SelfCare.
And for this.. being selfish is essential. There’s nothing wrong with being selfish if it means that you take care of Yourself, focus on Your needs. I’m sure you know that you can give, only if you have.. So don’t just escape home when you’re already fed up, but instead schedule Self Care activities frequently, fill up your calendar with SelfTime as well.
A quick jogging or walking can be a super way of SelfTime which mixes sport with being alone, or a facial or massage, meeting with the girls or meditating alone. The point is that you should know what fills you up and find the time for those frequently.
Your children will get a happy, relaxed mom and they can grow up seeing that it’s totally ok to focus also on our own needs
Sometimes we don’t even realize why we are so stressed and moody, we just feel that way. If we would look closer whether we had scheduled Self Time enough lately? There would be the answer..
Do you do things frequently which can fill you up completely?
Which are the Self-Care activities that energize you?
Write them in comment and do something of those still this week!:)