The secret behind real change - for moms

I remember vividly how I felt as a new mom about the future. It was a big black hole. “Goalsetting” hurt my ears, it was so unrelatable. I only wanted to feel less like shit, a bit more hopeful and like a human being again.
I didn’t have visions or allowed myself to plan anymore… It was survival mode.

The worst part… I believed it was going to be like that forever.

(That thought actually kept me in PPD, in the hopelessness.)

I didn’t believe in the possibility of the change.

I didn’t believe in a better future.

Even later on, it was just so automatic to hide behind the challenges of motherhood, so I could just explain to myself why goalsetting or dreaming wasn’t f0r me.

It doesn’t have to be depression for you. It can be simply that negative self-talk who keeps you stuck…because you keep hearing that

  • you can’t

  • you don’t have time

  • it’s not the right time

  • there is something wrong with you

  • it’s not for you…


So when you finally would allow yourself to want things… to have goals you’ll find yourself going in circles.

You’ll face

  • procrastination

  • exhaustion

  • quitting

You then draw the consequence, that it’s not for You. That you just don’t have the time, the willpower, whatever it would take… (notice how the result will mirror the selftalk)

But it’s all just BS of the brain.

You’re not procrastinating or quitting because you’re not good enough or you can’t have that goal…. you do because your brain sabotages you and wants you to be stuck where you are.

Not because your brain is an asshole, but because that’s the automatic wiring for keeping you protected.
What are the “symptoms”?

  1. Your brain offers you all the thoughts why as a mom you just can’t… (you’re already overloaded, you don’t have support, you don’t have the time..)

  2. Your goals “somehow” evaporate completely or go to the end of your list

  3. Your brain makes the goal look impossible and unrelatable to you so you don’t take any steps forward

  4. You are taking steps but keep hitting a wall

So then what to do to change it? What’s the secret of real change?

1) Set a goal that makes your soul sing

Don’t compare your goals to others’. You don’t have to shoot for things you don’t even really want and have zero belief in. Just because ‘everyone is a millionaire’ with their side-hustle (Hope you feel the irony here), it doesn’t mean you have to target that.
Just because ‘everyone’ is hitting the gym for 6-packs, you can still do yoga or dance… You can simply set a goal to create more balance and selfcare in your life. (start small with babysteps) Pick a goal which FEELS amazing, which fuels you.

2) Get your conscious on board to stop the sabotage

When you work towards something you don’t believe in… you use a lot of your willpower (which gets tired) and you’ll end up procrastinating or quitting. Let’s say you wanna lose 10 kg. If you keep telling yourself you can’t …it never worked for you… losing weight is hard… It will be hard, and you won’t have the change. Again start small. What is the tiniest better version towards “I can lose 10 kg”…. Maybe “it’s possible for me to lose weight “or “I’m willing to explore fun ways to lose some weight”… (whichever works for YOU)

3) Reprogram the patterns

If you aren’t doing new things, aren’t believing in new things… you’ll just recreate the same old again and again. Your selfcare will end up at the end of your list… You will quit gym… You’ll keep snacking at night… You’ll lose your shit when your kids fight… You won’t get that new job…
Because your unconscious (which processes 98%) will simply react as it has always done… according to old patterns.
We have to reprogram the automatic reactions. The first step for that can be to show your unconscious which other ways exist. (that’s what we do during a Change Session)

In short… what you need for a real change is a complete reset.

I’m putting together a RESET Workshop where we’ll

  • get your conscious on board so you’ll start building that belief

  • connect to our unconscious so you work toward what you truly want (recalibrating your inner-compass)

  • use hypnosis to embed your goals, so you don’t quit on yourself

It’s gonna be a 90 mins full reset and at the end you’ll feel energised and more hopeful than ever before.

January 30 - Register HERE.
If you read this blog after 30 Jan 2025, contact me, I might have the workshop for sale.


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