Balance - reality or myth?
Cutting to the point, I certainly believe that the BS version of balance which is coming to our face from social media is a myth. If you aren’t a unicorn with all the financial means and support of the world, you simply can’t have it all at every given moment.
This question is very nuanced, so bear with me, it will make sense I promise.
I do believe that we can FEEL balanced.
When you look at all the expectations that you SHOULD do…
Work as if you wouldn’t have kids
Raise kids as if you wouldn’t have a job (or anything to do at home)
Have self-care in your life
Be a good wife
Work out, don’t forget your pelvic floor exercises
Don’t neglect your friends, have a social life
You feel anything but balanced.
It’s rather OVERWHELM and exhaustion.
So why do I still say that we can FEEL balanced?
Because balanced doesn’t mean you comply with all those Fcking expectations.
Balance doens’t mean perfection.
Feeling balanced doesn’t mean you have it all in every second.
Feeling balanced means that you feel in control over your life and you CREATE it by choosing what you have in your life.
It can mean that you focus more on your career but then you don’t have a negative selftalk about what a terrible mother you are. It can mean that you take a break from your career and stay at home with your baby. It can mean that you want to balance it all so you hire more support.
Balance is not a standard. It’s not an ultimate, given point to reach.
Balance as a - perfect, having it all in every given moment- is a myth… a BS.
Balance is a flow… having something and then letting some other things go. Prioritizing one thing and delegating the other. Focusing on one thing and saying NO to the other.
Your way of balace can exist.
Open up your mind to possibilities… see how the conditioning and fear is limiting our choices and our view on balance.
And. You don’t have to do it all by yourself.
Your balance needs SUPPORT.
ask for help
hire help
You can’t juggle it all, all by yourself. and IT’S OK! You don’t have to.
One more thing which is super important about balance -> it will give you golden information:
Why do you think you don’t feel balanced? Why do you think you can’t have balance?
It reveals all the limiting beliefs you have. You can see the potential guilt, shame, perfectionism coming to the surface. Why don’t you give yourself time, the possibility to rest, to say NO, to delegate, to ask for help…?
It’s all golden information!
Do you want to feel balanced as a mom? I can’t wait to support You on this journey. In my 1:1 Mom Recharged program we change your beliefs about what’s possible so you can intentionally CREATE what you want in your life, including a well crafted intentional balance. Book your free consultation HERE to get started.