Self-Care Excuse nr 2 - I’m tired
The second excuse - I’m too exhausted..
Well.. To be honest I can be very tired. Being a mom is definitely tiring and we can be soo exhausted by the end of the day. We hear this also many times from our friends how exhausted they are after only going through a ’normal’ day, and then someone comes and tells us that we should add even more to our days? Com’on, no way...
But believe me this is the key.
Sometimes we don’t even realize why we are so tired, but the reason is very easy, we just don’t catch it through the day how many times we play down ourselves.
Have you felt that tiredness when you don’t even feel the energy at the end of the day to have a shower or put on your night-cream?
I am 100%ly certain, that this is because you didn’t charge your batteries through your day, so obviously they are pretty down in the evening. You can do better with a little bit of focus.
It’s very important to take care of ourselves, have time for relaxation, otherwise we will be frustrated, right? But then why don’t we have enough self-time scheduled?
The first reason is our own perfectionism and the second is the oustide expectations. We want to be a good mama, good wife, perform in our job..etc and we just don’t find the way to have it all. On the top of that we also feel, that it’s expected from us. We have to be a super mama for our children, but of course return to work and earn money as well, and so on.. Back in time when a woman stayed home with the children, and it would have been a disgrace to go to work, it wasn’t a question which role she had to play. (however I bet she didn’t put on face masks to relax..anyway) The picture was much more clear, now it’s a bit of everything.
It is indeed too much, so we have to be very focused to keep it under control while taking care of ourselves as well. And this is GOOD NEWS, because we have the power to decide where we put our focus. We have to draw the line, prioritize self care, just as we have the power over our time. (as I wrote in part 1)
Schedule self time consciously in your calendar, and these self time moments are NON NEGOTIABLE. You have to respect yourself enough not to ignore any of these activities.
Just watch it, your days and mood will transform – try some minutes of morning/evening routines, MOVE- do anything which energizes your body even if just a few minutes of dancing around, schedule at least 30 mins when you can meditate, read a book, put on a facemask or cream, have a massage... etc ..anything you desire.. and you’ll feel that even after a busy day your energy level is much higher, you can be tired but not that deathly exhausted, because you charged back a little bit ..
I could go on much longer, but for now it’s enough. I’m already happy if it made you think about your day, your self time activities which can energize you daily or weekly.
I would love to hear from you, leave a comment and share your way of charging your batteries 😉