Self-Care Excuses Part I - Time
The number one excuse -
we all use ‘time to time’
I would love to spend more time with my Self-Care, I would like to have the chance to relax and have a massage, but I just can’t. Don’t you get it? I just can’t. I don’t have time. –and we repeat this over and over again.
Let me tell you the truth -this is a lie which keeps you passive and paralyzed.
I know, now you are angry at me and don’t even want to read further, but bear with me for a little longer, you won’t regret it I promise.
We all have a busy life, so no wonder that we feel overwhelmed and that we just can’t have enough time for everything. But this is a trap.
Because everyone has the very same 24 hours a day.
Every one of us.
So how can it happen that someone has one child and can’t get done anything, while the other has four children and builds up a business from zero as well. I don’t want to pressure you or make you feel bad, I just want you to see the truth, that time is neutral, everyone has the same amount of it and it is up to YOU how you use it.
And this is good news!!!
It means you have the power to change if you like. Instead of saying - “I don’t have time” - which is a lie and a paralyzing thought – say - “I don’t have time for THIS”. Yes, there is a difference, a huge difference. You aren’t any more the victim of the circumstances but you are in control, you have the power over your life (and time).
It is up to you to decide what you would like to do with those 24 hours. So, if you don’t do things for yourself, it is about time to examine your activities closer… Besides, if you have the feeling that you are just doing the “work” for everyone else, for your boss, for your family… then you can now rethink what and WHY you are doing with your time. And another thought.. Feeding your children, cleaning the house… none of these are obligatory, you choose to do these and it’s a way better feeling to look at your day like this.
I hope now you have the feeling that you have the power, you can prioritize what you want, just be honest with yourself, get clear with your values and be the boss of your life.
PS// don’t get me wrong, I know very well that a single lady has another type of a life and responsibilities than a mom of 4, but that doesn’t mean that the mom can’t have 10 minutes each day to fill her own energy storage. YOU can choose what is best for you and for your life situation. But don’t let the circumstances to rule your days. Be in charge 😉