What is your life purpose?
How do you know whether you are living according to your life purpose?
Shortly? That you love living your life.
Life is 50-50, which means that there are positive and negative experiences, good and bad days... But when you are living the life you meant to live, when you constantly grow and want to reach your full potential, then overall you are satisfied with life despite of bad days or failures.
When you experience the contrary: a lot of negative feelings like resentment, anger, envy and you feel that life happens to you and things in life are against you... well, you definitely need to rethink your life purpose.
I believe our life purpose is not one thing, it’s a mix of several things. Therefore, you don’t have to find one certain thing like the Holy Grail, you need to open your mind and curiously find out what are those several things that really light you up, which are truly important for you.
What did you want to become as a child?
Did you follow that desire or gave it up because it was not practical?
Did you want to become a mother?
If yes, when?
Did you imagine your life as a mom?
Are you happy with it now?
Do you pay attention to your own dreams?
Do you know what are your priorities?
Do you set goals?
A lot of questions. These can help to make you think about what you truly want.
When was the last time when you asked similar questions to yourself?
I believe that our identity can change, our priorities can change, therefore our life purpose can also change. I also believe that our core inner self is the same, therefore the core inner desire who we want to become also stays with us for our whole life. It just waits for us to grow to that level to reveal itself, when we are ready.
Therefore, it is never too late to change, it is never too late to adjust, never too late to ask these deep questions.
Especially when there is an identity change or a big change in life situation... You kind of give yourself the chance to adjust every time so you can get closer to your dream life you meant to live.
The worst you can do is stop dreaming and stop asking these types of questions.
When you think stuff like: It’s already too late to change anything, I can’t learn anything new, it’s too late for me, I should be just satisfied with what I have...
Asking these questions and getting clear about the current priorities and values can help you to live the best life and encourage you to constantly grow. What is this if not the ultimate life purpose?
To be able to say goodbye to this Earth when time comes with our heart full and content with all of the things we did, and not full with doubt what we missed...
We got the chance to use our time wisely, are you wasting it or are you living according to your unique life purpose?
When asking these questions from myself I see clearly that I wasted time on pleasing others, trying to fit in, beating myself up... but it’s never too late to adjust.
I want to have a healthy happy family, I want to have a career that lights me up, I want to stretch myself and be an example for other moms what is possible when we use our minds to our own advantage. This mix is my life purpose. I want to feel that I tried, that I had a colorful exciting life and I said yes to myself and my dreams.
What about you?
Are you living a life you love?
Do you know what is your life purpose?