Pure Present
Pure Present
AKA the key behind happiness
I chose the name Pure Present - to start my business.
For me Pure Present means everything that fills you up, makes you happy, makes you slow down in this hyper hectic world and gives your power back over your life.
For me the true happiness is satisfaction. When I truly feel content and that NOW everything’s ok. Pure Present gives me this feeling.
It’s already 8 years that I first read the book of Eckhart Tolle: The power of Now. It’s a mindblowing book, a masterpiece.. anyone’s life can be changed by it. Could be changed..Mine was changed only a bit, my mind opened up a little to this concept, but that was all. My mind has been very strong and sceptic and has tried to keep me in the old ways quite succesfully. However this book started something in me, so after all these years, after learning from others and getting to know new methods, I start truly understanding what is the power of NOW. I can’t be conscious and present in the moment all the time, it’s just so tiring 😊 to focus, to manage my mind, but I do practice, and that’s the key. I am already on this journey and I believe this is the key to satisfaction and ultimately to happiness.
So what is this all about?
Do you happen to feel that time flies so quickly and you just can’t truly enjoy the moments?
Your head is full of thoughts, you have a mile long to do list.. then you remember the good old days, when you could just relax on the sofa without the kids.. Then your brain is already busy with the thoughts what you have to take care of later today, so you push something into your mouth as lunch and continue with your to do list.
We can live our days like this, on autopilot and we don’t even realize that we aren’t really present. We wake up, work on our to do list, execute and then we go to bed.. No wonder when the feeling comes, that we are just soo tired, exhausted, burn out..
We are so much caught up in this running wheel and we forget to enjoy our lives, despite that LIFE is happening NOW. We hate Mondays, waiting always for the weekend, but then we have so much left to take care of, and then another Monday comes, then another month, a year.. Time goes by fast, like an express train and we survive our lives instead of truly living it. We are waiting for our holiday or a special event..but definitely we are waiting for something to happen so THEN we can enjoy ourselves. Now it’s not the moment, but THEN it will be… surely…
Eckhart Tolle writes that the past is memory, the future is illusion, only the present moment IS. The next thought is mindblowing - read it twice if necessary- nothing is happening in the future, everything is happening in the NOW, at that moment that will be the present moment when things will actually happen. We’re waiting for the future, because either we wait for some amazing thing to happen so we hope, or we’re afraid of something that might happen so we worry..Both are just illusions.
When we can truly live in the present moment, then we can be alive and then we can enjoy our lives and take the responsibility and power over our lives, because every opportunity IS in the Now.
For me it was so difficult to truly understand moreover to act according to it. I’m still pretty far from Eckhart himself or some other beautiful gurus who can live like this every day, but I’m changing, practicing, developing.. and that’s the key
The best help for me has been Self Care. When you truly allow yourself to have time and space only for you and you can ask yourself the questions like: How do I do? What’s causing this stress to me?.. When you really slow down, stop for a moment and listen to yourself then you are truly living in the present moment. This is what I get from Self Care, this opportunity to be in the present moment and enjoy the NOW. For me the top of the TOP is a massage or facial when I can combine this slowing down with physical touch, I can allow my body to feel, my mind to take a break and I can anchor in the moment, I enjoy the present moment and can check in:
How do I feel? What’s going on inside me?
The power of now means for me that I can be present and value the moment, I enjoy the sunshine, the wind, I focus on my body’s sensations and listen to my inner self what’s going on. When I manage to slow down and be present, the stress eases up and I feel lighter, inspired and more creative.
Self Care – when I take time for myself- gives me exactly this. I can stop that express train. The more often we can slow down, the more often we can truly enjoy our lives and we won’t feel that time just flies and we are surviving our own lives.
I believe that if we prioritize Self Care, take Self Time seriously then our well-being is guaranteed, we won’t burn out, sink into depression, but will truly live. And what else would be the purpose of life then LIVING itself?
THIS is what I would like to give you with Pure Present. Slow down and allow yourself to really take care of yourself ..
I’m so excited about this whole topic, I hope I could inspire you as well. Please let me know your thoughts!:)