Number One thing to ask yourself, when you fall short
When you feel, that you are “not enough”
We can so often feel exhausted, disappointed, „not enough”, when we experience that even though we put so much effort in it, the result isn’t there.
Even though you dedicate so much time and energy to something, you feel that you fall short. You fall short everywhere, at your career and as a mom as well.
You spend so much time with your child and still she behaves like a little monster. You work so much, and you don’t even receive a thank you or raise.
You put so much effort behind your goals and still you don’t see that you would achieve them fast enough...
The best that you can do is to slow down, stop for a moment and ask yourself:
Compared to what?
Compared to what I’m not good enough?
Compared to whom do I fall short?
Compared to what do I fall short?
In every single case, behind these feelings, there is a thought which is comparing you to an expectation, to a standard. You don’t feel bad because of the certain situation, you feel bad because of what you are telling yourself.
You would like to be there already, but you aren’t. Why is this a problem?
You should have already achieved it... Who says that? Why?
You should be a better mother. Compared to which standard, why?
Behind all of these feelings like inadequacy, I’m not enough,... are always a bunch of (partially internalised) expectations.
Just realise that you have the power the overwrite these beliefs in you.
You have the power to change the rules. You can achieve so much more, and with more joy if you stop from time to time and adjust the game rules.
This is the way our brain works and there is nothing wrong with it, we just need to be aware and catch these thoughts which are not serving us.
You are enough. You are doing plenty. Your results will prove your beliefs.