18 summer to enjoy?

My social media was full with mom-influencers telling other moms to make this summer count. Because you only have approximately 18 summer vacations with your kids. (I don’t fully agree with the number as I think teens would rather prefer to go to camps and be with their friends and if you do it right your older kids wanna spend time with you afterwards as well. But that’s not the point now.)

The point is again to raise the expectations. To pressure mamas. To paint a ONE RIGHT WAY to do it.

  • If you don’t jump into summer vacation with exctatic joy- you are doing it wrong.

  • If you don’t plan fancy vacations so they have amazing pictures later - you are doing it wrong.

  • If you don’t make sure that they are full with activities - you are doing it wrong.

  • If you aren’t present 100% - you are doing it wrong.

  • If you secretely would want to have a break yourself- you are doing it wrong.

I’m sorry, but WTF?

Of course You want the best for your kids and you love them to the moon and back, it doesn’t mean though You don’t count. Or your desires and needs wouldn’t count.

What about supporting each other and normalizing choosing our own way?

What about - I do what I think it’s best for me and for my family Brenda?

Let’s be a little bit more conscious about giving advice and ideas. I don’t excatly know what You are going trough, so how could I paint the “best way” for you?

Are you working and wish to be more with your kids, but you don’t have more paid holidays…?

Are you a new mom trying to survive the first year and keep that little one alive in the heat…?

Are you an overhwhelmed mom who just want some silence and peace…?

Are you overstimulated and dream about a vacation by yourself…?

There is NO one right way for all of us. There is THE right way for you and for your family. That contains heavily your needs too!

It’s OK to keep it easy, to choose summer-camps, ask for support, go to grandma’s… and also OK to go to fancy vacations, go on a holiday with a nanny or without kids. It’s such a personal decision. Don’t let anyone else dictate your life or your choices.

You aren’t a bad mom, just because…

You are the best mom for your kids doing her best. That is enough. That is the best.

Have an amazing summer period, dare to choose your way and do what’s fun for You.
Take on that bikini, go to a beach or just use the kids’ pool at home :D Anyway, HAVE FUN your way!


Holiday for You too


3 tips if you are the default parent