Self-Care options Part III - Sport
As a mom our workout covers some running after our toddlers or carrying home the heavy shopping-bags and the never ending packing/cleaning in the house.. and that’s it.
For some reason exercising is one of the first things to get exluded from our weekly routine after becoming a mom. (of course I’m not talking about the first few recovery weeks)
We just don’t have time for that.
Doing sports is one of the best ways of Self-care.
When you exercise your body: you preserve your health, you tone your muscles and skin which will give you more confidence AND most importantly you create your own energy.
Revs you up
Boosts your blood-circulation and your brain gets more blood as well 😉
Decreases stress
Releses endorphin
Have you felt that vibrating feeling after a nice work-out? You feel energized and exploding from joy..
If you haven’t felt it yet, no just haven’t found the right one yet.
There are sooo many things to try out: dance, zumba, TRX, aerobic, swimming, pole-fitness, yoga, belly-dance.. you name it. Just choose one and give a try!
My first new year resolution will be to re-implement exercises in my daily and weekly routine.
Well got me too. I had 3 workouts per week, afterwards only one, then I just realised I do some workouts maybe every other week. And I feel the difference. I miss it so much.. So.. do you join me on this journey?
The kids.. they can do it with you, or you can ask your mom, baby-sitter, your partner to take care of them, or wake up half an hour earlier…
The most important is that you choose a way which is tenable, otherwise the excuses will win. And we don’t want that, right?
Ready? Go!