How to use your dreams to get energized?
We all have been there when we don’t even want to think about dreams because the present’s challenges are occupying all of our brain-cells. But funnily… that negative present focus only pushes us deeper into demotivation, depression and dispair. And opening up towards the future and to our dreams will generate the energy and hope.
I remember when I was so deep in PPD that thinking about the following week was already a big strech for me so if someone would have talked about dreaming to me… maybe I would have choked them. It felt soooo far away from my reality.
It was a dark place.
For you maybe it’s not that bad but still you don’t allow yourself to answer that pull in your body. You associate dreaming with something airy-fairy, something for kids…
However the truth is that we all have dreams. We can totally surpress them and not give them any or enough of our attention. But they are there.
If you have a hard time articulating what exactly your dream is. Start with asking yourself what is it that you DON’T want… that will give you valuable data about what kind of changes you WANT. Voila. That is your dream.
Your DREAM is not more or less just the very thing you want to have/experience in your life. That is yours for a reason.… it’s very interesting what kind of a relationship you have with that dream:
do you feel negative feelings like jelaousy, sadness, inadequacy, fear, dispair - meaning you are only daydreaming but have ZERO belief that you would have that/achieve that, it is NOT a good way of dreaming because it doesn’t generate any energy for you (worth to explore whether it’s the dream or your belief-system)
do you feel only positive, but not so intense emotions when thinking about your dream - it’s a good start it can be a great way to ease back into dreaming again, but watch out, it can also mean that your brain doesn’t allow you to dream “big” and this dream isn’t really fueling you
do you feel very intense mixed emotions when thinking about your dream, like: excitement, inspiration, hope, fear, doubt…well, that’s the exact sweet spot. You have this very intense feelings which can FUEL you to your dreams. That is the FUEL we want to connect to and use to energize us
When you found this exact sweet spot for YOU, the question comes.. how to connect to this fuel?
You see that dream is YOURS. I wouldn’t be motivated by that dream… you most probably wouldn’t feel motivated by my dreams. That’s the magic of it. You have that very exact dream because you have that emotional connection to it. That is the FUEL itself. When you allow yourself to dream… when you allow yourself to imagine that dream coming true… your are activating the fuel.
Your dream is also the source of the fuel at the same time.
If you let yourself dream… If you work on believing in that dream that will boost your energy level like nothing else.
Believing in something or not believing in something costs the same amount of energy.
Think about how these feelings FEEL in your body:
That is the FUEL you can use to work towards your dreams. And it’s in your power to generate them. (I teach you HOW in the Dreamcrafting Masterclass)
You can dream about a fit, healthy body or a successful business or being more patient and fun with your kids… It works with any kind of dream you have. So as a summary:
Allow yourself to dream where you FEEL the exact sweet spot of excitement and some doubt
Imagine having that dream come true and FEEL into that feeling
Practice it over and over
When disbelief would take over work on your belief system to find out what is the block for you. I can help you with that.
Your dreams are yours for a reason. Don’t let your logical brain stop you. You CAN create the change you want to see in your life.
With so much love,