How to preserve your energy
Today I share with you 3 tips for how to preserve your energy.
As mothers our energy and time is not only ours, we give so much of our time and so much of our energy away. Which is OK (because we are doing it willingly). But this is the reason why we need to be even more careful with the resources we have. No scarcity needed, rather awareness.
It can happen that you feel very low. You’re tired, overwhelmed and you still get up every day and do mommying. But it matters tremendously how often you expect yourself to run on empty…
Put your hand on your heart and answer this honestly: How often do you expect yourself to run on empty?
Do you often feel exhausted, but doing it all anyhow?
Do you feel low but still don’t delegate?
Are you sleep deprived but still expect from yourself to handle everything patiently and calmly?
If any or all of these sound familiar, today’s blogpost is for You.
Our energy level is changing based on our physical health, how much we slept, how we feel ourselves and whether we have something which is filling it or on the contrary sucking it…
As a mom you can feel sometimes that things get too much, you’re always needed and as if your energy level would be constantly low.
First of all check your physical state: visit your doctor, see how your body is recharged or needs extra vitamine… sleep as much as you can, make sure you eat healthy nurishing food.
But today let’s talk about how to PRESERVE your energy level.
Here are my top 3 tips for you:
Many of us are so bad with delegating. Because we know it better and/or this is the socialized norm we’re bringing with ourselves. You can’t do it all. It’s not a sign of weekness but a sign of resoulsefulness to delegate. Hire a nanny, hire a cleaning help, order the grocery shopping, do every single thing which makes your life easier.SAY NO
We would need to say NO more often. When you say YES (or simply not NO and it’s happening TO you) you overload yourself AND you also build resentment because you feel overwhelmed and busy and these all suck your energy. Say NO to that playdate you don’t wanna go to, say NO to the party you don’t feel like organising, say NO to meeting people who don’t charge your energy, say NO to “obligatory” visits… practice saying NO more oftenFOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL
Our energy is sucked like hell by indecision, overthinking, overworrying… You can pull back your energy by directing your focus on the things you can actually control and don’t let your brain pull you down in a negative spiral of overthinking, overworrying. You can’t predict everything… you can’t be forever at your child’s side… you can’t control the circumstances… but you CAN control how you respond, how you react… and that is EMPOWERING. And feeling empowered makes you feel energised.
You matter.
Your energy level matters.
Don’t expect yourself to do it all and run on empty. Preserve your energy. Take good care of yourself too.
I’ll share more about how to RAISE your energy level in the next blogpost.
If you wanna feel energised again, my program MOM RECHARGED is for you. Book a free consultation HERE and see what kind of a transformation I can guarantee in 12 weeks.